Known Bugs

Unfixed bugs

  • Bug No 1: During the replay, you click on a building and Warcraft 2 BNE plays the sound of the wrong race.

    This occurs, if the race, you select for yourself in the replay game, doesn't match the race of the player the building belongs to. If all players in the original game chose the same race, you can avoid this by choosing the same race for yourself.
    This bug does not affect the actual replay, it's just a bit irritating to click on an Altar of Storms and hear the sound of a Church, for example.
    Status: Not fixed

  • Bug No 3: If a player disconnects/gets disconnected during the original game, Warcraft II BNE says "<Playername> was dropped from the game." During the replay it says "<Playername> has left the game."

    This bug doesn't affect the actual replay, but by watching the replay, you can't distinguish between players who left because they hit Quit/Surrender and players who disconnected/got disconnected.
    Status: Not fixed

  • Bug No 4: War2BNE InSight fails to replay games played on maps that don't use the default unit properties (in the map editor: Menu Player -> Unit Properties -> Use Default Data is not checked).

    Typical examples of such maps are paintball and free maps.
    At the moment you can't view replays of games played on such maps.
    Status: Not fixed

  • Bug No 13: Warcraft II BNE minimizes, if you try to view a replay

    After clicking "View Replay" and switching back to Warcraft II BNE you are taken back to the desktop, leaving you unable to bring Warcraft II BNE to the foreground, until you clicked Cancel in the "Replay status" window. Although there is a temporary workaround in War2BNE InSight v1.03a by letting you disable the + and - hotkeys, this issue has not been fixed yet.
    Status: Not fixed

Fixed bugs

  • Bug No 2: The part of the map your starting peon/peasant in the replay game has seen, stays explored.

    War2BNE InSight does not make this area unexplored/black again.
    This bug does not affect the actual replay.
    Status: Fixed since version 1.03

  • Bug No 5: Early-Building-Bug.

    If the recording player builds something within the very first second of the game, War2BNE InSight fails to replay the game.
    Status: Fixed since version 1.02

  • Bug No 6: Game Length display.

    War2BNE InSight displays Game lengths in a wrong way on american/english windows computers. For example a game lasted 23 minutes and 42 seconds, War2BNE InSight shows "12:23:42 AM" instead of "00:23:42" as the game length.
    Status: Fixed since version 1.02

  • Bug No 7: You can't switch between players anymore after the player, who hosted the original game, left

    If the player, who hosted the original game, leaves before the game is over, one can't switch to other players in the replay after that player left and is stuck with the player one has selected before the hosting player left.
    Status: Fixed since version 1.03

  • Bug No 8: War2BNE InSight saves replays without the ".wir" extension.

    War2BNE InSight is supposed to automatically add the ".wir" extension, if you choose a filename without an extension in the "Save" dialog. If the path of the folder where you want to save the replay contains a dot ("."), the replay, however, will be saved without an extension. The "Open" dialog shows ".wir"-files only by default. You can load replays without extensions or with other extensions by choosing Filetype: All files (*.*).
    Status: Fixed since version 1.03

  • Bug No 9: War2BNE InSight aborts the replay with the message "Incorrect number or position of computer opponents", although you have set up the replay game correctly.

    Some Less-than-8-player-maps don't use consecutive player numbers. For example the 6-player-map "No way out of this maze" has the players 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 on it. War2BNE InSight doesn't replay games on such maps.
    Status: Fixed since version 1.03

  • Bug No 10: War2BNE InSight stops to perform its correctness checks of the replay game, after the player, who hosted the original game, has left.

    After the hosting player left the game in the replay, War2BNE InSight does not verify anymore, if the replay exactly matches the original game and thus will not show an errormessage and abort the replay if it differs.
    Status: Fixed since version 1.03

  • Bug No 11: War2BNE InSight does not remove leaving players from the replay game, after the player, who hosted the original game, has left.

    The replay does not match the original game anymore. Since the player, who left the game, has not been removed from the game during replay, his/her units and towers will continue to defend themselves, the peons/peasants will still gather resources and so on.
    Status: Fixed since version 1.03

  • Bug No 12: War2BNE InSight aborts some replays, in which players produce many units and buildings. Just before the replay differs from the original game, you see the message "Cannot create more units" inside Warcraft II BNE.

    War2BNE InSight does not remove the computer opponents you set up in the replay game properly. That means, there are more players in the replay game, than there were in the original game. Furthermore there is a cap, how many units and buildings one player may have, 1600 divided by the number of players, currently in the game. Since there are more players in the replay game than in the original game, a player can hit that cap during a replay, while he/she didn't hit it during the original game. Warcraft II BNE won't create the new unit/building and the replay differs from the original game.
    Status: Fixed since version 1.03

  • Bug No 14: While you view a replay, Warcraft II BNE apruptly crashes with the error message "count.c (1)" followed by two numbers

    War2BNE InSight does not restore the original game properly, if there were players in the game, that chose the "Human" Race or got "Human" because they chose "Random". Players start with 1 peon/peasant or (if you chose "Units: Map Default") with certain units and buildings depending on the map design. If a "Human" player looses units or buildings of a type he had when the game startet and the number of the units or buildings he has of that type falls below the number he had of that type in the beginning of the game, Warcraft II BNE crashes and shows the "count.c (1)" error message.
    In "Units: One Peon Only" replays this bug occurs, if a "Human" player looses all his peasants.
    Furthermore, loosing units and buildings not just happens, when they are killed or destroyed. Finishing certain upgrades also causes a player to "loose" buildings or units of a certain type.
    A Townhall becomes a Keep, e.g. in the moment the player finishes the Keep Upgrade, he "looses" a Townhall and "gets" a Keep. Upgrades with that effect are: Townhall -> Keep, Keep -> Castle, Watch Tower -> Guard Tower, Watch Tower -> Cannon Tower, Knight -> Paladin and Elven Archer -> Elven Ranger
    Status: Fixed since version 1.03b
